BlueDV for Linux ( EXPERIMENTAL )
BlueDV for Linux is running on all Linux versions that can run MONO 4. ( also raspberry pi 3 )
If BlueDV crashes when you go to setup, you are running an old version of MONO!! Please check with the following command your mono version.
mono –version
It is getting more and more difficult to keep BlueDV working on Linux! After every mono update, the software sometimes does not work.
Supported Protocols
- DMR ( Brandmeister, DMR+ )
Supported Hardware
- DVMEGA with BlueStack ( BlueStack with DVMEGA )
- There are issues known with DVMEGA direct connected to the Raspberry PI. Please use a BlueStack.
- /dev/ttyUSB0 is hard to find! Make sure you selected the lowest in the list!
- I can not give support on this version.
- Does not run with AMBE3000.
Installation procedure
- Software the software at: ( )
- Copy the ZIP file to your Linux machine. ( e.g. with WinSCP )
- Install BlueDV with the following commands:
- sudo apt-get -y install mono-complete
- mono –version ( is mono 4.x installed? ) Else take a look at this : MONO install
- sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bluedv
- sudo unzip -d /usr/local/bluedv
- Start BlueDV ( make sure you do exactly the following!! )
- cd /usr/local/bluedv
- sudo bash
- mono BlueDV.exe
Make Desktop icon
cd /home/$USER/Desktop
Using your favorite editor, create a new file called BlueDV.desktop
Enter the following info and save the file in the /usr/share/applications directory. ( you must do this as root user!)
[Desktop Entry] GenericName=BlueDV HotSpot Software Name=BlueDV Comment=BlueDV HotSpot Software Exec=sh -c "cd /usr/local/bluedv/; sudo mono BlueDV.exe" Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Network;WebBrowser; Icon=/usr/local/bluedv/BlueDV.ico
Make sure your user can do a sudo without password. Change the sudoers file with the command: sudo visudo
Change user1 to your own login name.